Photography and intimacy
In the name of continuing professional development (and continuing fascination with the medium of photography, the artists who practice it and the issues it raises), I’ve been following #picbod – Picturing the body – an open undergraduate module run by Coventry University.
Life, work, business and personal stuff have made it hard to give the course my full attention, but I completed the first few assignments. I love the way it is delivered, with lots of interaction and feedback among and between students actually attending the degree course and people all over the world following online. It’s also brought lots of really great photography to my attention, as well as making me look and think more closely about work I’m already familiar with.
I might continue with the later tasks when I have time… or wait until it comes around again next year and build on what I’ve done then. In any case, I’ll be thinking a lot more about questions of intimacy, vulnerability, negotiation and collaboration in my portraiture work from this point on.